Stopover Sites – Helping Birds Along the Way
The conservation theme for the 2017 International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) is Stopover Sites – Helping Birds Along the Way. We are especially excited about this year’s events and resources as the conservation of stopover sites is a big part of what drives our work and that of our partners.
IMBD is no longer celebrated as one particular day, recognizing that migratory events unfold at different times across the flyways. Learn more on the Environment for the Americas Migratory Bird Day website and stay tuned as events are posted there and in our news. The site has numerous resources for hosting your own event and learning more about migratory birds and habitats across North America.
Western Sandpiper is one of the bird species showcased on this year’s poster. During migration, these sandpipers rely on multiple stopover sites within Pacific Birds to rest and refuel.