We refer to "our boundaries" and "our birds" a lot when talking about bird and habitat conservation at Pacific Birds. But we are in fact part of a large network of Joint Ventures (JVs) across the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The partnerships within JVs are unique, and the birds may be different from one JV to another, but the JVs also have much in common.
The news and stories from the JVs across North America reflect the local partnerships and priorities of the bird and habitat conservation communities they work with. See a few examples from other JVs:
From Playa Lakes Joint Venture: Do Shrubs Push Out Grassland Birds?
From the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture: Black Rail Adaptive Management Project
From the Sonoran Joint Venture: Binational Monitoring of Wintering Long-billed Curlews in Mexicali, Mexico
What we all have in common, however, is the focus on conservation that benefits birds, other wildlife, and people. Learn more on the Migratory Bird Joint Ventures website.