World Wetlands Day is a global celebration of wetland biodiversity and a chance to learn about what wetlands can do for all of us! The first World Wetlands Day was in 1997 and it has been observed annually ever since, bringing millions of people together to enjoy aquatic locations from bogs and fens to everglades and estuaries. February 2nd marks the adoption of the Ramsar Convention, an international agreement dedicated to conserving wetlands and their biodiversiy.
In addition to their ecological functions such as filtering pollutants and water storage, wetlands are particularly important as homes for some of Hawaiʻiʻs most accessible native birds, such as the ʻalae῾ula (Hawaiian Moorhen) and the ae῾o (Hawaiian Stilt).
Pacific Birds in Hawaiʻi is partnering in two major events in Oʻahu and Kauaʻi (see below). If you are looking for something on the mainland, you can check the World Wetlands Day events map, ask your local partners involved with wetlands, or create your own event!