Recipient of the 2023 Dr. Fern Duvall Conservation and Collaboration Award
Raymond McGuire: Nēnē Superman

We are pleased to announce that Raymond McGuire of the Department of Land and Natural Resources - Division of Forestry and Wildlife has been selected for the 2023 Dr. Fern Duvall Conservation and Collaboration Award. Raymond’s colleagues nominated him for the award for his extensive knowledge of waterbirds, his ability to make others feel valued, and his ability to handle difficult situations with grace. The Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture (Pacific Birds) review committee agreed that these characteristics embody those we wish to celebrate in the conservation community and reflect Fern’s spirit.
This award was started by Pacific Birds in memory of Dr. Fern Duvall, to honor his incredible legacy. Fern helped shape Pacific Birds’ conservation efforts in Hawaiʻi and was a generous mentor, gentle leader, and a trusted guide, particularly to young conservationists. The award recognizes the conservation efforts of individuals who embody the innovative, inclusive, humble, and collaborative spirit that Fern brought to conservation endeavors.
Raymond is a valued conservationist in Hawaiʻi with a level-headed and focused commitment to the conservation of Nēnē and other native Hawaiian wildlife. His colleagues share that he is also a wonderful and generous teacher and an inspiration to local youth. The nomination highlighted that Raymond’s “...effort to involve youth and emerging professionals in conservation work gives us hope for future collaborations for the benefit of all native wildlife. In addition, Ray takes the time to engage with members of the public during wildlife releases, educating people on the value of conservation and inspiring others to do what they can for native species.”. Join us in congratulating Raymond for this well-deserved honor.