Funding Spotlight

Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board: Agricultural Heritage Program Grants
Conservation Management Planning:
The purpose of the conservation management plan grant program is to develop and implement conservation measures for maintaining natural resource values in a manner consistent with the social and economic interests and abilities of the agricultural landowner or operator.
Upcoming Grant Deadlines

‘Umeke Powered By Hawai‘i Tourism Authority Grants
The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority (HTA) issued its next round of 2025 requests for proposals (RFPs) for its community partnership programs. Apply by April 1, 2025
NOAA Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants
NOAA is now seeking proposals for transformational projects that restore coastal habitats and strengthen community resilience through the BIL. Proposals are due April 16, 2025.
USFWS Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Act Grants
Proposals are due April 30, 2025.
Manomet Small Grants for Conservation of Neotropical Shorebirds
Proposals are due April 30, 2025.
Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities
Proposals must be received through by 11:59 PM Eastern time on May 12, 2025
Network for Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund
Applicants may submit proposals via the online application system through Friday, May 16, 2025.
Tribal-led Partnerships are encouraged to submit proposals via the online application system but may, if preferred, submit this Word form via email to Sara Mosser.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Watchable Wildlife Grant Program
2025 Grant application schedule
April 1, 2025: Application open
April 3, 2025, 6:30-8pm: Virtual public information session (optional; pre-registration required)
May 30, 2025: Application due 11:59pm Pacific Time -
Oregon Wildlife Foundation Grants
These small reimbursable grant awards are available to units of State and local government, tax-exempt organizations, volunteer groups with a fiscal sponsor, and qualified individuals. Funding requests are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The deadlines for applications in 2025 are 1/30, 5/1, 8/28, and 11/6.
California Wildlife Conservation Board
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service – Coastal Program Cooperative Agreements
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program–Community Engagement Small Grants (British Columbia)
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.
Let Us Help You Pacific Birds can help identify grants, suggest additional partners, review proposals and help describe project values for birds.

Townsends Warbler © Jim Gain, Creative Commons
Grant Programs & Clearinghouses
Environment and Climate Change Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada offers several grants through its Community Action Programs for the Environment.
North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grants Program The NAWCA program supports wetlands conservation projects in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Standard Grants program provides up to $1,000,000 and the Small Grants program up to $250,000. Grant requests must be matched by partner contributions at no less than a 1:1 ratio. See our NAWCA Grants page.
Wildlife Habitat Canada Grant Programs: WHC is a Canadian organization that has provided grant funding annually to Canadian organizations for over 35 years. WHC currently offers three different funding streams:
- The Habitat Conservation Stamp Initiative funds projects related to wetlands, waterfowl and migratory game birds.
- The Land Trusts Conservation Fund (under the Natural Heritage Conservation Program) supports Canadian land trusts in securing private lands and private interests in lands that contribute to the achievement of Target 1 of Canada’s 2020 Biodiversity Goals and Targets.
- The Community Conservation Action Program is a small grants program that seeks to fund small(er) organizations in making conservation achievements in their communities.
Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grants Program The NMBCA program funds neotropical migratory bird conservation projects throughout the Western Hemisphere. Projects should address migratory bird population needs on a continental scale and conserve birds throughout their life cycles. At least 75 percent of the funding must be spent on projects outside the United States and grants must be matched by partner contributions at no less than a 3-to-1 ratio.
Urban Bird Treaty Grant Program The Urban Bird Treaty Grant Program works with cities and partners to conserve migratory birds through education, hazard reductions, citizen science, conservation actions, and conservation and habitat improvement strategies in urban/suburban areas.
National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program This program annually funds projects to help coastal states and U.S. Territories protect and restore coastal wetlands. Funding is provided through the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund. These grants are submitted through state agencies. See our NCWC Grants page.
Fish and Wildlife Service Tribal Wildlife Grants Program Tribal Wildlife Grants are used to provide technical and financial assistance to Tribes for the development and implementation of programs that benefit fish and wildlife resources and their habitat. Additional information may be found under state or regional USFWS offices.
See a compliation of Financial Assistance Programs with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Environmental Protection Agency Wetland Grants EPA has several funding sources that can be used to support state and tribal programs and voluntary wetlands restoration. EPA’s grant programs include, but are not limited to, the Wetlands Development Grants to build capacity to state/local/tribal governments and the Five Star and Urban Restoration Program funded by EPA, other agencies and private funds.
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS offers technical and financial assistance within several grant programs. One example is the Regional Conservation Partnership Program which encourages partners to join in efforts with producers to increase the restoration and sustainable use of soil, water, wildlife and related natural resources on regional or watershed scales. More information about state NRCS offices and contacts is on their website.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund supports the protection of federal public lands and waters, including national parks, forests, wildlife refuges and recreation areas. It also supports voluntary conservation efforts on private land. Applications are submitted by the states to the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Endangered Species Grants to States, Territories and Private Landowners Grants offered through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund supports participation in a wide array of voluntary conservation projects for candidate, proposed, and listed species.
The Forest Legacy Program works in partnership with states to protect environmentally sensitive forest lands while maintaining private ownership and working forests. The program directly supports property acquisition and supports efforts to acquire donated conservation easements.
Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund This is an annual grants competition administered by NOAA Fisheries. Eligible applicants are the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, and Alaska and federally-recognized tribes of the Columbia River and Pacific Coast.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Coastal Management NOAA administers several grant programs through this office, for grants associated with NOAA’s mission and goals.
National Fish Habitat Partnerships fund habitat conservation projects related to fisheries conservation. More information about their mission, local partnerships and funding opportunities is on their website.
State Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Support Program provides funds to state fish and wildlife agencies for developing and implementing programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species that are not hunted or fished.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant Programs NFWF works with the public and private sectors to protect and restore our nation’s fish, wildlife, plants, and habitats. Their conservation programs support conservation efforts in all 50 states and U.S. territories. Their website outlines their programs, priorities, and funding criteria.
National Forest Foundation The NFF is the nonprofit partner of the U.S. Forest Service. They have several grant programs that promote the health and public enjoyment of the National Forest System.
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Multistate Conservation Grant Program This program funds projects that address the regional or national level priorities of state fish and wildlife agencies. Proposals must include multiple states and address at least one of the of the current year National Conservation Needs.
Western Hummingbird Partnership Annually, the partnership supports projects related to hummingbird conservation in western Canada, United States, and Mexico. Projects are generally funded in the $1000-$5000 range.
Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program (Canada).The Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations, and public stakeholders to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife in watersheds impacted by existing BC Hydro dams. It has an annual grants solicitation.
Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation provides grants for fish and wildlife conservation projects across British Columbia.
Alaska Conservation Foundation ACF works to protect Alaska’s environments and Alaska’s diverse cultures and ways of life. They strategically direct resources and funds to conservation leaders, organizations and initiatives.
Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Dvision of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, administers several federal grant programs relevant to conservation partners.
State of California, Coastal Conservancy funds projects that help it achieve the goals and objectives of its Strategic Plan.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife The department administers some federal grants, as well as state-funded grants that sustain, restore and enhance California’s fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats.
California Department of Conservation The Division of Land Resource Protection (DLRP) serves as the state’s leader in conserving California’s irreplaceable agricultural lands. DLRP provides information, as well as technical and financial assistance, to partners in order to protect California’s agricultural land and promote sustainable growth.
California Wildlife Conservation Board The primary responsibilities of WCB are to select, authorize and allocate funds for the purchase of land and waters suitable for recreation purposes and the preservation, protection and restoration of wildlife habitat. WCB approves and funds projects that set aside lands within the State for such purposes, through acquisition or other means, to meet these objectives.
Legacy Lands Conservation Program This program is administered by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. It provides funding from the Land Conservation Fund for the acquisition of lands, including easements, for the protection of habitat, natural areas, cultural/historic sites, and other resources. The State legislature usually appropriates at least $3.2 million for grant funding on an annual basis.
The Oregon Conservation & Recreation Fund supports projects that help implement the Oregon Conservation Strategy and connect people with the outdoors.
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board OWEB is a state agency that provides grants to help Oregonians take care of local streams, rivers, wetlands and natural areas. Funding comes from the Oregon Lottery, federal dollars, and salmon license plate revenue. Grant funds are provided for projects that contribute to the goals and objectives of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds and the Oregon Conservation Strategy.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has compiled resources for Oregonians interested in funding opportunities from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Oregon Department of State Lands – Wetlands, Payment in LIeu Program The Wetland Mitigation Revolving Fund was established to accept payments to compensate for small wetland impacts from permitted activities (“payment in lieu”). The goal of the program is to use these pooled funds for larger projects that provide more effective replacement of wetland resources.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Willamette Wildlife Mitigation Program This program is an agreement between the State of Oregon and the Bonneville Power Administration for mitigating the effects of the construction, inundation and operation of Willamette River Basin Flood Control Projects. Projects should emphasize protection of wildlife and wildlife habitats and, when possible, significant cultural values.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Access and Habitat Program This program funds projects that improve wildlife habitat, increase private hunting access to private land, or solve a wildlife damage issue. Examples include the development of wetland habitat, noxious weed control, riparian fencing and land acquisition.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bird Stamp Grants Grants are for projects that promote and conserve game birds and the acquisition, development, management, or enhancement of migratory game bird habitat.
Oregon Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The Oregon Office provides technical and financial assistance to partners through several programs.
The Oregon Wildlife Foundation offers small grant awards for restoration, education, invasive species removal, and studies that support improved fish/wildlife management.
Washington Funding Directory lists out state grant programs by project type.
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) administers several pass-through grant programs that provide funding opportunities for projects that are conducted by outside organizations or members of the public. Funding is available for projects that benefit the conservation and management of fish and wildlife and their habitat.
Washington Department of Ecology This web page contains information and schedules for grants and loans through the Department of Ecology, such as the Floodplain by Design program.
Washington Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The Washington U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service office administers several grant and assistance programs, such as the Puget Sound Coastal Program and Partners for Fish and Wildlife.
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office This page contains information for grants through the Recreation and Conservation office.
The Northwest Fund for the Environment has three grant programs in Washington: Aquatic Ecosystems, Growth Management and Community Response.
Wildlife Habitat Canada invests funds from the sale of the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp and Print (CWHS) program to fund important and relevant conservation projects all over Canada. (Residents of Canada only)
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation has a suite of funding opportunities related to communities, conservation and human health and well-being.
The American Wildlife Conservation Foundation provides grants supporting research and public education towards enhancing scientific wildlife management, and conservation of wild habitats in North America. Two grant cycles annually.
The Healy Foundation supports the work of non-profits in Oregon and Hawaii. Letters of Inquiry are accepted year-round.
The Lazar Foundation funds projects that protect the environment in the Pacific Northwest.
Clif Bar Family Foundation offers small grants for organizational support and specific projects. Applications are reviewed three times a year.
The Conservation Alliance is a group of outdoor businesses that supports efforts to protect specific wild places for their habitat and recreation values. There are two funding cycles annually.
National Geographic funds a suite of grants with a focus on conservation, education, research, storytelling or technology.
Cornell Douglas Foundation This foundation provides small grants to organizations which promote the vision of the foundation: advocating for environmental health and justice, encouraging stewardship of the environment, and furthering respect for sustainability of resources.
The Goodman Family Foundation This foundation supports science-based work to improve the Greater Portland and San Fransisco Bay marine systems through protection, planning, and/or restoration. Requests should include an ecosystem management approach. Typical grants are $5000.
Waitt Foundation The foundation funds projects globally, with a focus on marine protected areas and sustainable fishing policy and practice. They also advise, provide technical assistance and otherwise support innovative ocean science.
Oregon Wildlife Foundation offers small grant awards for restoration, education, invasive species removal, and studies that support improved fish/wildlife management.
Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment Rose Foundation funds projects in several categories. As an example, the Columbia River Fund supports non-profit organizations dedicated to protecting and restoring the Columbia River watershed.
Keta Legacy Foundation The Foundation promotes actions and fosters understanding to inspire conservation within the Salish Sea region. They have two conservation education grant programs, capped at $5000 and $30,000.
Wilburforce Foundation supports organizations and individuals who are committed to science-driven conservation efforts and sustainable policies that will have a meaningful and enduring impact on our natural ecosystems.
Wildlife Conservation Society The Wildlife Conservation Society is a global non-profit that supports projects and research in several categories that fit their mission. They have a Climate Adaptation Fund and a number of research and fellowship programs.
The Weeden Foundation The Weeden Foundation’s primary mission is to protect biodiversity. One of the Foundation’s current primary interests is the protection of the Klamath-Siskiyou Bioregion in Northern California.
Charlotte Martin Foundation The foundation provides funding to protect wildlife and habitat as well as enriching the lives of children. One of their interests is conserving biodiversity in a changing climate.
The Russell Family Foundation The Foundation focuses its efforts on the Puget Sound Region and recently made a long-term commitment to the health of the Puyallup watershed through the Puyallup Watershed Initiative. They also have an Environmental Education grants program.
Pacific Seabird Group, Craig S. Harrison Conservation Fund Grants from this fund are to advance the conservation of seabirds by providing funds or supplies for conservation and restoration activities that benefit seabirds. See the website for more information.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has an annual small grants program for land trusts to do bird conservation projects.
SITKA Gear offers funding for projects that improve the state and function of an ecosystem.
The Roundhouse Foundation supports programs that inspire creativity, connect people with each other and their sense of place, and ensure sustainability for the long-term economic success of Oregon’s rural communities.
The Wells Fargo–Robert F. Schumann Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life of both humans and animals by supporting environmental, educational, arts and cultural organizations and agencies.
USDA, NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife program works with private landowners to systematically target conservation efforts to improve agricultural and forest productivity which enhance wildlife habitat on working landscapes.
The USFWS Coastal Program provides technical and financial assistance in the form of cooperative agreements to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. The grant information is listed on, but interested parties in states should contact their state or regional USFWS office.
USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Through voluntary agreements, the Partners program provides expert technical assistance and cost-share incentives directly to private landowners to restore fish and wildlife habitats.
USFWS Cooperative Ecosystems Studies The CESU Network provides scientific research, technical assistance, and education on natural and cultural resource issues to federal land management, environmental organizations and research institutions. Each CESU is structured as a working collaborative with participation from numerous federal and non-federal institutional partners, especially migratory species with ranges in western Canada, the United States. provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for U.S. federal funding opportunities.
The Nonprofit Association of Oregon maintains a list of foundation and trust funding opportunities.
Environment and Climate Change Canada keeps a list of environmental funding programs on their website.
The Washington Fund Directory provides one stop shopping for grants (environmental and other) throughout the state.

Northern Pintail © Barry Troutman
North American Wetlands Conservation Act
Pacific Birds will help guide you through this important grant process that helps conserve wetlands throughout North America. Contact us early in the process.