All Waterbirds
- An Ornithological survey of Hawaiian wetlands (Volume 1a)
- An Ornithological survey of Hawaiian wetlands (Volume 1b)
- An Ornithological survey of Hawaiian wetlands (Volume 2a)
- An Ornithological survey of Hawaiian wetlands (Volume 2b)
- Distribution and Trends of Endemic Hawaiian Waterbirds
- Ecosystem services provided by waterbirds
- Habitat characteristics of refuge wetlands and Taro lo’i used by endangered waterbirds at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai’i
- Habitat Use of Hawaiian Waterbirds in Kawainui Marsh
- Hawaii State Waterbird Count – Photographic Identification Guide
- Hawaiian Waterbirds and Indigenous Wetland Division of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
- Hawaii’s Endangered Waterbirds
- Hawaii’s Endangered Waterbirds: A Resource Management Challenge
- Interactions of water levels with water quality, endemic waterbirds, and invasive species in a shallow, tropical pond
- Long-term persistence of Hawaii’s endangered avifauna through conservation-reliant management
- Managing conservation reliant species: Hawai’i’s endangered endemic waterbirds
- Monitoring Hawaiian waterbirds: evaluation of sampling methods to produce reliable estimates
- Native Hawaiian Waterbird Birds – Culture, History, and Indigenous Partnership to Recovery
- Persistence of an endangered native duck, feral mallards, and multiple hybrid swarms across the main Hawaiian Islands
- Relationships among aquatic macroinvertebrates, endangered waterbirds, and macrophytes in taro lo’i at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, Kauai, Hawaii
- Response of vegetation and endangered waterbirds to habitat management techniques at Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge
- Spatial overlap in powerline collisions and vehicle strikes obscures the primary cause of avian mortality.
- Status and population trends of Hawaii’s Native Waterbirds, 1977-1987
- Successful nesting by 2 endangered Hawaiian waterbird species in a restored Indigenous wetland agroecosystem
- The importance of water and wetlands for Hawaii’s native waterbirds
- Time series analysis of Hawaiian waterbirds
- Wetland conservation in Hawaii and the need for flagship species
‘Alae ke‘oke‘o (Hawaiian Coot)Fulica alai
- American coot and Black-necked stilt on the island of Hawaii
- Development and characterization of the microsatellite markers for the Hawaiian coot, Fulica alai, and Hawaiian gallinule, Gallinula galeta sandvicensis, through next-generation sequencing
- Genetic implications of bottleneck effects of differing severities on genetic diversity in naturally recovering populations: An example from Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian Gallinule
- Interisland genetic structure of two endangered Hawaiian waterbirds: The Hawaiian Coot and Hawaiian Gallinule
- Population Histories- Species Accounts Freshwater Birds: Hawaiian Coot ‘Alae’ke’oke’o
‘Alae ‘ula (Hawaiian Common Gallinule)Gallinula galeata sandvicensis
- An Ethnohistoric Report on The ʻAlaeʻula (Gallinula galeata sandvicensis)
- Body Size, Growth, and Feather Mass of the Endangered Hawaiian Moorhen (Gallinula Chloropus Sandvicensis) 1
- Development and characterization of the microsatellite markers for the Hawaiian coot, Fulica alai, and Hawaiian gallinule, Gallinula galeta sandvicensis, through next-generation sequencing
- Ecology of nesting Hawaiian common gallinules at Hanalei, Hawaii
- Estimation of vital rates for the Hawaiian gallinule, a cryptic, endangered waterbird
- Evaluating if energy and protein limit abundance of Hawaiian Moorhen
- Genetic implications of bottleneck effects of differing severities on genetic diversity in naturally recovering populations: An example from Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian Gallinule
- Habitat use and nesting activity by the Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni) and Hawaiian moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis) at the Hamakua Marsh State Wildlife Sanctuary, Kailua, O’ahu
- Interisland genetic structure of two endangered Hawaiian waterbirds: The Hawaiian Coot and Hawaiian Gallinule
- Landscape genetics identifies streams and drainage infrastructure as dispersal corridors for an endangered wetland bird
- Macronutrient profiles of wetland plants consumed by the Hawaiian Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis)
- Morphological Differences in the Island-Endemic Hawaiian Subspecies of the Common Gallinule Gallinula galeta
- Observations of Molt in an Endangered Rallid, the Hawaiian Moorhen
- Population histories, species accounts: freshwater birds: Hawaiian Gallinule ´Alae-´ula.
- Predicted effects of landscape change, sea level rise, and habitat management on the extirpation risk of the Hawaiian common gallinule (Gallinula galeata sandvicensis) on the island of Oahu
- Reproductive Success of the Hawaiian Common Gallinule (Gallinula galeata sandvicensis) Nesting in Taro and Managed Wetlands on Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i.
- Response of Hawaiian Moorhens to broadcast of conspecific calls and a comparison with other survey methods
- Small-scale genetic structure in an endangered wetland specialist: possible effects of landscape change and population recovery
- Status of the Hawaiian Gallinule on lotus farms and a marsh on Oahu, Hawaii
Koloa Maoli (Hawaiian Duck)Anas wyvilliana
- Evolutionary relationships and conservation of the Hawaiian anatids
- Genetic divergence among populations of the hawaiian duck laysan duck and mallard
- Hawaiian duck (Anas wyvilliana) behavior and response to wetland habitat management at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge on Kaua’i
- Hawaiian duck behavioral patterns in seasonal wetlands and cultivated taro
- Hawaiian Duck’s Future Threatened by Feral Mallards
- Hybridization of the koloa maoli
- Identification of endangered Hawaiian ducks (Anas wyvilliana), introduced North American mallards (A. platyrhynchos) and their hybrids using multilocus genotypes
- Koloa Maoli Communication and Outreach Plan
- Movement Ecology and Population Dynamics of the Endangered Hawaiian Duck (Anas wyvilliana)
- Native Wildlife Preservation: A North Kohala Legacy
- Population histories, species accounts: freshwater birds: Koloa-maoli
- The Feral Mallard Threat To Hawai’i’s Native Duck: Recommendations For Preventing The Extinction Of The Endangered Koloa Maoli
- The koloa: a preliminary report on the life history and status of the Hawaiian Duck
- Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck
- Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck
Ae‘o (Hawaiian Stilt)Himantopus mexicanus knudseni
- Affect of land management practices on Hawaiian stilt population abundance at Nuupia Ponds Wildlife Management Area, Oahu, Hawaii
- All in Da Ohana – Cooperative Breeding Hawaiian Stilts in Molokai
- American coot and Black-necked stilt on the island of Hawaii
- Application of the complete-data likelihood to estimate juvenile and adult survival for the endangered Hawaiian stilt
- Cooperative breeding behaviors in the Hawaiian Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)
- Growth patterns of Hawaiian Stilt Chicks
- Habitat use and nesting activity by the Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni) and Hawaiian moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis) at the Hamakua Marsh State Wildlife Sanctuary, Kailua, O’ahu
- Life-history and viability analysis of the endangered Hawaiian Stilt
- Mammal-exclusion fencing improves the nesting success of an endangered native Hawaiian Waterbird
- Metapopulation dymanics and conservation of the Endangered Hawaiian Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)
- Population histories, species accounts: freshwater birds: Hawaiian Stilt Ae’o
- Report Sightings of Banded Hawaiian Stilits – Flyer
- Subadult Movement Patterns of the Endangered Hawaiian Stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)
Nēnē (Hawaiian Goose)Branta sandvicensis
- Draft revised recovery plan for the Nēnē or Hawaiian Goose (Branta sandvicensis)
- Egg-turning behaviour and nest attentiveness of the endangered Hawaiian goose on Kauai
- Foraging behaviour and energetics of the Hawaiian Goose Branta sandvicensis
- Genetic analyses through DNA fingerprinting of captive populations of Hawaiian Geese
Laysan DuckAnas laysanensis
- Circadian habitat use, home range and behavior of Laysan Teal Anas laysanensis
- Demographic Variation, Reintroduction, and Persistence of an Island Duck (Anas laysanensis)
- Draft revised recovery plan for the Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis)
- Influence of space use on fitness and the reintroduction success of the Laysan teal
- Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis) die-off event at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge
- Long-term Pair Bonds in the Laysan Duck
- Postcatastrophe Population Dynamics and Density Dependence of an Endemic Island Duck
- Postfledging Survival of Laysan Ducks.
- Trading off short-term and long-term risk: minimizing the threat of Laysan Duck extinction from catastrophes and sea-level rise
- Translocation and early post-release demography of endangered Laysan teal
- Translocation of wild Laysan Teal from Laysan Island to Midway Atoll: project update