There was sobering news about bird declines this past year, but we are hopeful that the resulting attention will help bring about positive change for birds. We know it can work; see our story about the 30 year anniversary of NAWCA and how concerted partnership efforts helped restore waterfowl numbers.
We also heard a lot in 2019 about the connections between birds and people – how birds can bring communities together, and how we need to expand our conservation work to reach more people. The 2020 theme for World Migratory Bird Day is Birds Connect Our World, and we couldn't agree more.
One small way we will help champion bird conservation in 2020 is to focus in on the "7 Simple Actions to Help Birds" and make sure those messages (and other important ones) get widely disseminated. We will also continue with our other bird and habitat conservation work such as promoting partnerships, helping partners find funding, and supporting conservation planning and prioritization.
With many thanks for your conservation work and interest in birds,
Brad, Andrew and all of the Pacific Birds Staff