Submitted by Andrew Huang, Pacific Birds Coordinator, Canada
The Pacific Birds team in British Columbia (BC) is pleased to announce the release of the 2020-2030 Implementation Plan. The Plan acts as a blueprint that allows Pacific Birds partners to plan for and implement concerted conservation efforts that will protect birds and their habitats within the Pacific Birds region of BC.
Partners identified and/or developed the following criteria to inform and evaluate conservation actions: priority habitat types; priority waterfowl and non-waterfowl species; conservation planning tools and models; Human Dimensions objectives; strategies for delivery; and monitoring and evaluation performance indicators.
Five priority habitat types were selected during the planning process–agricultural land, freshwater wetlands, estuaries, nearshore shallow marine, and riparian forests. These habitats are where conservation activities will be focused to benefit both waterfowl and non-waterfowl priority species.
The Plan also describes the successes achieved thus far in Pacific Birds BC, outlines the current state and landscape of the Joint Venture, and identifies key habitat threats. Big thanks to the countless number of people who contributed to the development of this Plan in the past two years, including the Pacific Birds BC technical committee for shaping the overall content, the GIS team for producing all the stunning maps, the board for providing direction and feedback, and many others!