Pacific Birds is pleased to announce that Eric Riley has joined our team as the new Umpqua Oak Partnership Liaison. Eric lives on the iconic North Umpqua River just outside of Glide, Oregon, and has been involved in natural resources work throughout the Umpqua Basin for more than two decades. He brings a passion for habitat restoration and a commitment to bringing diverse groups of people together to better our environment.
This new position at Pacific Birds is supported by Pacific Birds and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and represents a new cooperative model to accelerate oak and prairie conservation on private lands. In this new role, Eric will focus on partnership building, and accelerating oak conservation in Douglas County by implementing key strategies identified by the Umpqua Oak Partnership, NRCS, and Pacific Birds. Eric will also be guiding the partnership as it seeks additional funding to expand outreach and conduct additional restoration and management centered around oak habitats.
Welcome Eric!