Work with Us
If you have a project in the U.S. that benefits native birds and their habitats, we encourage you to apply for a Pacific Birds Partnership Grant. We support projects that align with the goals of our conservation priorities: Oak and Prairie, Hawaiʻi Wetlands and Coastal Wetlands.
There are many ways to help. We will consider projects that raise awareness about birds and why birds matter, directly conserve habitat, conduct research or develop data layers that inform conservation work, increase capacity, or create or support local partnerships centered on our priority habitats. This year, we are especially interested in projects that can show benefit to birds found in our priority habitats, and that are listed out as species with some level of concern within our region from the 3 Billion Birds Initiative, the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan, or the NAWCA Priority Species list.
Conservation work should be located in Alaska, Hawaiʻi, or the western portions of Washington, Oregon and northern California. Projects that have a match contribution or show additional partner interest will receive stronger consideration. Grant applications of up to $20,000 will be accepted, but most awards will be in the range of $5,000 to $15,000. Proposals led by Indigenous peoples, organizations, and communities working to advance Indigenous priorities within the scope of this opportunity are particularly encouraged to apply.
We welcome new partners to our grants program. Please contact us if you have questions.
2021 Projects
2020 Projects

"The 2020 Pacific Birds Partnership Grant was incredibly valuable, not just to our organization, but to habitat conservation in the Humboldt Bay Region. This grant catalyzed a landmark conservation project that protected coastal dune forest, freshwater and saltwater wetlands, native dune mat, and bayfront habitats.
The support we received also led to a durable conservation coalition for the sustainable management of the ecological jewel that is the Somoa Dunes and Wetlands Conservation Area. We are grateful for Pacific Birdsʻ profound investment in such a transformative conservation project that will steward the diverse habitats of Humboldt Bay long into the future."
- Mike Cipra, Executive Director, Friends of the Dunes
See the Stories
Recipient of the 2024 Dr. Fern Duvall Conservation and Collaboration Award
Recipient of the 2024 Dr. Fern Duvall Conservation and Collaboration Award Jason Vercelli, Wildlife Biologist with the Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources – Division of Forestry and Wildlife 2024 Fern Awardee, Jason Vercelli We are pleased to announce that Jason Vercelli, Wildlife Biologist with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) has been […]
2024 Pacific Birds Partnership Grants RFP is Open
Our 2024 Partnership Grants RFP is open! We are interested in projects that will help conserve birds and their habitats and relate to our conservation priorities. The deadline to apply is July 1, 2024.
2023 Pacific Birds Partnership Grants RFP is Open
Our 2023 Partnership Grants RFP is open! We are interested in projects that will help conserve birds and their habitats and relate to one of our three conservation priorities.
Expanded Bird Rehabilitation on Kauaʻi Will Benefit Waterbirds
A 2022 Pacific Birds Partnership Grant has been supporting the expanded capabilities of a rescue and rehabilitation group on Kauaʻi, allowing them to provide better services for waterbirds.
Water is Everything at Hanalei
Infrastructure improvements being made at Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge are improving water quality and habitat for Hawaiʻi’s endemic waterbirds, such as the ʻAlae keʻoke ʻo or Hawaiian Coot and ʻAlae ʻula or Hawaiian Gallinule.
Congratulations to the 2022 Partnership Grant Awardees
Congratulations to the 2022 Partnership Grant awardees! Eight organizations, and many associated partners, will help advance conservation with coordination, planning, and outreach and communications projects.
2022 Partnership Grants RFP is Now Open
The Pacific Birds Partnership Grants application period for 2022 is May 20-June 30th. We welcome project ideas related to one of our three conservation priorities.
On-the-Ground and Virtual Conservation on Oʻahu
During the 2020-2021 school year, students at Le Jardin Academy were able to experience on-the-ground wetlands conservation within a State Wildlife Sanctuary, and the State Division of Forestry and Wildlife had a direct connection with future stewards of Hawaiʻi’s land and waters.
Nesting Isn’t Easy for ʻAlae ʻula
Biologists have been carefully monitoring Hāmākua and Kawainui Marsh Wildlife Sanctuaries in Hawaiʻi for ‘alae ‘ula nests. They will be using VHF transmitters to track survivorship, causes of mortality, and habitat use–informing scientists and managers about threats to these endangered birds when they are most vulnerable.
2021 Partnership Grant Awardees Announced
Pacific Birds 2021 Partnership Grant Awardees have been announced. Eleven partners have been awarded support to advance conservation work within our three conservation priorities.